After being a manager with a Big 4 consulting firm and a partner in a systems integration consulting firm, I found that I kept fighting the same type of battles in every engagement -- Technical.  Based on this obvious need to pool together the resources needed with the skill sets to solve these issues, BPS Solutions was founded in February of 2002.  However, I wanted BPS to be different than other consulting companies I had worked for.  I wanted BPS to be "family based" business and not just talk like one.

We would actually put our employees and their families ahead of the bottom line.  We would work with employees in meeting their goals in life, both short-term and long-term.  We would limit people's travel based on their needs.  We would allow flexible work hours.  We would allow telecommuting.  We would care about and plan around family needs.  We would find clients that embodied this spirit also.  This has worked better than I could have ever imagined.

The employees of BPS work long and hard for our clients, and we enjoy and respect each others time also.  We do not suffer from burn out which is typically found at a lot of consulting firms.  We feel like we are a member of the client's team, and we treat everyone we come into contact with in that manner.

One other difference between BPS and other consulting firms is that you will notice I keep using the word "We" above.  Even though I am the founder of BPS Solutions, I am also a consultant serving our clients.  My name is Kyle Smith and I am a Oracle Applications DBA.  BPS will never be one of those consulting firms whose partners do not work with and deliver great value to our clients.

These values are what BPS Solutions was built on and we strive to maintain these values everyday.  We love what we do and challenge our selves to do it better and more efficiently every time.  This forms a fun and pleasant work environment; an environment we hope to share with you also.